About the Course:
Cryptography is the science of securing data by using mathematical concepts. Cryptography involves the authentication and verification of data in all domains by applying Cryptographic protocols
Course Objectives:
Enable to learn the fundamental concepts of cryptography and utilize these techniques in computing systems.
Discuss about various encryption techniques.
Understand the concept of public key Cryptography.
Introduce message authentication and hash function.
Provide Lab sessions for each unit to help gain deeper insight into Cryptography.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to,
Appreciate the impact of cyber-attacks on the society and the necessity of cryptography.
Analyse Cryptographic techniques using the mathematical foundations of cryptography.
Design applications/protocols using cryptographic techniques.
Apply cryptanalysis to solve real time problems.
Evaluate the authentication and Hash Algorithms.
Course Content:
Unit 1:
Introduction to Cryptography - 10 Hours
Why Cryptography?, Security trends – legal, ethical and professional aspects of security, Basic Cryptographic primitives (encryption, decryption, signatures, authentication), Classical encryption techniques : substitution technique, transposition techniques, Steganography, Historical Ciphers and their cryptanalysis, Classical vs Modern cryptography
Unit 2:
Modern Cryptography - 12 Hours
Principles of Modern cryptography, Perfectly-secret encryption – Vernam’s One-time- pad encryption – Limitations, Shannon’s theorem, Stream Ciphers, Block cipher design principles, Block vs Stream cipher
Unit 3:
Private Key Cryptography - 10 Hours
Mathematical Modular arithmetic-Euclid’s algorithm, Congruence and matrices, Algebraic structures: Groups, Rings, Fields- Finite fields, Pseudorandom Generators (PRNG), Private/Symmetric Key Ciphers: Fiestel network, DES, AES, Cryptanalysis: Block cipher mode of operation, Chosen-CiphertextAttacks, , Differential and linear cryptanalysis
Unit 4:
Public Key Cryptography - 12 Hours
Mathematics of Public Key Cryptography: Primes, Factorization, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Key Management and the Public Key Revolution: Key distribution and Key Management, Diffie Hellman Protocol, Elgamal encryption, RSA Encryption : Algorithm, Implementation issues and Pitfalls, Rabin Encryption Scheme: Trapdoor, Scheme, Digital Signature: Certificates and Public Infrastructure, Attacks, Scheme, Applications, Signatures from Hash Functions
Unit 5:
MAC and Hash - 12 Hours
Message Authentication Code (MAC) – Definition, Message Integrity, Cipher Block Chaining (CBC-MAC), Constructing Secure message Authentication codes, Authenticated Encryption, Hash Functions and Applications: MAC using Hash functions HMAC, Generic Attacks on Hash Functions, Random Oracle Model, Applications, Hash functions: MD5, SHA, collision resistant hashing, Merkle-Damgrad and Davies Meyer
1: “Introduction to Modern Cryptography” ,Jonathan Katz, Yehuda Lindell, CRC Press, 2018.
Refrence Books:
1: “Cryptography and Network Security”, BehrouzA.Foruzan, Tata McGraw Hill 2007.
Tools & Languages:
Seed virtual machine environment
Course Content: