About the Course:
This course will cover the essentials of Cybersecurity, and students will learn about the characteristics of security principles, technologies, and procedures to secure networks, software and other assets of an organization. They will also gain an insight into Risk Management, Incident Management, Cryptography, Operations Security, Digital Forensics etc.
Course Objectives:
Understand various cyber security issues with respect to operating system, wired and wireless networks.
Analyse the risks and incidents’ response.
Learn the art of encryption and decryption.
To learn the policies and loss of cyber world.
Understand the violations in cyber world.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Design a Threat model.
Perform various attacks and their mitigation strategies.
Perform cryptanalysis.
Analyse the security issues and risks.
Aware of the policies and law in cyber security.
Course Content:
Unit 1:
Introduction - 12 Hours
Introduction to Information Security, What is cyber security? Need for cyber security, Cybersecurity, Policy, Mindset and Culture Cybersecurity Pillars and Principles Cybersecurity Risk Management AAA - Authentication, Authorization, Accountability
Unit 2:
Network Security - 12 Hours
Computer Number Systems & Introduction to Networking Concepts, Application Layer, Transport Layer , Network Layer, Data Link Layer , A Day in the life of Web Page Request
Unit 3:
Operating Systems - 12 Hours
Introduction to Operating System (OS), Process Management & Basics of Linux for Security, Bash Scripting, Memory Management, File Management VM setup for labs and Kali Linux
Unit 4:
Cryptography & Python - 12 Hours
Introduction to cryptography Classical encryption techniques: Substitution and transposition techniques, Steganography, Introduction to Python Programming environment
Unit 5:
Secure C - 10 Hours Data structures, Strings, Object oriented, Functions, Introduction to C , Strings, File handling and Secure C
1: “Computer Security A Hands-on Approach”, Wenliang Du, 2nd Edition, 2017
Refrence Books:
1:“Computer Security: Principles and Practice”, William Stallings, Lawrie Brown, Indian Edition, Pearson, 2010. 2:“Introduction to Modern Cryptography”, Jonathan Katz, Yehuda Lindell, CRC Press, 2018
3:“Cryptography and Network Security”, BehrouzA. Foruzan, Tata McGraw Hill 2007. 4: “Cyber Law: The law of the Internet”, Jonathan Rosenoer,Springer-Verlag, 1997.
5: “The Law and Economics of Cyber Security”, Mark F Grady, FransescoParisi, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Tools & Languages:
Nmap, Wireshark, Claynet
Course Content: