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Virtual Reality and its Applications

Course Code:


Course Credits:





Semester 2 (Elective 2)

About the Course:

Physical entity is simulated into virtual or imaginary environment which are designed as software or as a program that defy beliefs of a user compelling him/her to accept it as actual reality. Virtual Reality actually exploits and plays with the sensations & perceptions of our brain by simulating an artificial environment which actually doesn’t really exists but our brains thinks that it does it’s just like make belief.

Course Objectives:

  • To create an adaptive 3D the virtual environment that meets the needs of trainee interpreters and those who need to learn about how to work with interpreters.

  • To develop a range of interpreting scenarios (e.g. a business meeting room, a court room, a tourist office, acommunity centre) that can be run in different modes (‘interpreting practice’, ‘exploration’ and ‘live’).

  • To develop multilingual content for use in the interpreting scenarios of the virtual environment (as source texts for interpreting practice), by using and adapting existing multimedia corpora from the LLP project BACKBONE [1] and the ELISA corpus [2], and creating three new corpora in Greek, Russian and Hebrew.

  • To create pedagogical activities for interpreting students and users of interpreting services (e.g. interpreting skills, awareness-raising activities).

  • To test and evaluate the virtual environment and the pedagogic content (the multilingual material and the pedagogical activities) from both functional and pedagogical perspectives.

Course Outcomes:

  • Differentiate between Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality platforms.

  • Identify appropriate design methodologies for immersive technology development, especially from a physiological perspective.

  • Demonstrate foundational literacy in game engine use.

  • Effectively categories the benefits/shortcomings of available immersive technology platforms.

  • Developing Pedagogical activities for interpreting students and users of interpreting services.

Course Content:

Unit 1:

Introduction and Input Devices - 10 Hours

The Three I's of Virtual Reality, A Short History of Early Virtual Reality, Early Commercial VR Technology, VR Becomes an Industry, The Five Classic Components of a VR System, Review Questions. Input Devices: Trackers, Navigation, Gestures, Interface

Three-Dimensional Position Trackers ,Tracker Performance Parameters, Mechanical Trackers, Magnetic Trackers, Ultrasonic Trackers, Optical Trackers, Hybrid Inertial Trackers, Navigation and Manipulation Interfaces, Tracker-Based Navigation/Manipulation Interfaces, Trackballs, Three-Dimensional Probes, Gesture Interfaces, The Pinch Glove, The 5DT Data Glove, The Didjiglove, The CyberGlove

Unit 2:

Output Devices - 12 Hours

Graphics, Three dimensional Sound, AND Haptic Displays Graphics Displays, The Human Visual System, Personal Graphics Displays, Large-Volume Displays, Sound Displays, The Human Auditory System, The Convolvotron, Speaker-Based Three-Dimensional Sound, Haptic Feedback, The Human Haptic System , Tactile Feedback Interfaces, Force Feedback Interfaces COMPUTING ARCHITECTURES FOR VR:The Rendering Pipeline, The Graphics Rendering Pipeline, The Haptics Rendering Pipeline, PC Graphics Architecture, PC Graphics Accelerators, Graphics Benchmarks, Workstation-Based Architectures, The Sun Blade 1000 Architecture, The SGI Infinite Reality Architecture, Distributed VR Architectures, Multipipeline Synchronization, Colocated Rendering Pipelines , Distributed Virtual Environments

Unit 3:

Modelling - 12 Hours

Geometric Modelling, Virtual Object Shape, Object Visual Appearance, Kinematics Modelling, Homogeneous Transformation Matrices, Object Position, Transformation Invariants, Object Hierarchies ,Viewing the Three-Dimensional World, Physical Modeling, Collision Detection, Surface Deformation, Force Computation, Force Smoothing and Mapping, Haptic Texturing, BehaviorModeling, Model Management , Level-of-Detail Management,Cell Segmentation.

VR PROGRAMMING: Toolkits and Scene Graphs ,WorldToolKit ,Model Geometry and Appearance, The WTK Scene Graph, Sensors and Action Functions, WTK Networking,Java 3D, Model Geometry and Appearance,Java 3D Scene Graph, Sensors and Behaviors, Java 3D Networking, WTK and Java 3D Performance Comparison, General Haptics Open Software Toolkit, GHOST Integration with the Graphics Pipeline, The GHOST Haptics Scene Graph, Collision Detection and Response, Graphics and PHANToM Calibration, PeopleShop,DI-Guy Geometry and Path, Sensors and Behaviors, PeopleShop Networking

Unit 4:

Human factors in VR - 12 Hours

Methodology and Terminology, Data Collection and Analysis, Usability Engineering Methodology, User Performance Studies, Testbed Evaluation of Universal VR Tasks, Influence of System

Responsiveness on User Performance, Influence of Feedback Multimodality, VR Health and Safety Issues, Direct Effects of VR Simulations on Users, Cybersickness, Adaptation and Aftereffects, Guidelines for Proper VR Usage, VR and Society, Impact on Professional Life, Impact on Private Life ,Impact on Public Life. Traditional VR Applications: Medical Applications of VR, Virtual Anatomy, Triage and Diagnostic, Surgery, Rehabilitation, Education, Arts, and Entertainment, VR in Education, VR and the Arts, Entertainment Applications of VR, Military VR Applications, Army Use of VR, VR Applications in the Navy, Air Force Use of VR

Unit 5:

Emerging Application of VR - 10 Hours

VR Applications in Manufacturing, Virtual Prototyping, Other VR Applications in Manufacturing, Applications of VR in Robotics, Robot Programming Robot Teleoperation, Information Visualization, Oil Exploration and Well Management, Volumetric Data Visualization


1: Virtual reality Technology, Grigore C Burdea, Philippe Coiffet, Wiley, 2nd edition, 2003

Refrence Books:

1: “Virtual Reality”, Samuel Greengard, MIT Press, 1st Edition, 2019.

2: “Undertsanding Virtual Reality-Interface, Application and Design”, William R Sherman, 1st Edition, 2002.

Tools & Languages:

Unity3d, React VR

Course Content

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