About the Course:
Wireless Networks Communication is a dynamic field that has spurred tremendous excitement and technological advances. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles, characteristics, performance limits of wireless systems, their security issues and the insights associated with their design.
Course Objectives:
Introduce the emerging trends of wireless network technologies
Compare and contrast the wireless network technologies depending on the usage models
Explain the characteristics of wireless channels and analyze its impact during communication
Discuss various design parameters of communication.
Identify different attacks on wireless network and explore several mitigation approaches.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Identify and Apply the appropriate wireless technology for real time applications.
Simulate the channel characteristics such as path loss, shadowing, analyze the wireless networks and understand the Multipath channel models.
Analyze emerging enhancements such as Adaptive Modulation and Multiple Input Multiple Output System.
Capture the transmitted packets of wireless networks and analyze them for the wireless communication protocols
Determine the threats on wireless network and Apply wireless security mechanisms.
Course Content:
Unit 1:
Overview of Wireless communication - 12 Hours
Introduction,Wireless LAN Technology: IEEE 802.11, WPAN Technologies: Bluetooth, Zigbee, NFC, 6LOWPAN, LPWAN- LORA, Weightless, Wireless Local Loop (WLL)-LMDS, MMDS, WiMAX, Long Range Communication- Satellite Communication, Wireless communication analysis using Wireshark.
Unit 2:
Overview of Wireless Communication-II - 12 Hours
Cellular Network: Cellular System Fundamentals, Channel Reuse, SIR and User Capacity, Interference Reduction Techniques, Mobile Applications and Mobile IP, Tradeoff between Battery, Bandwidth and Distance, Wireless Channel Models: Path Loss and Shadowing Models, Millimeter Wave Propagation, Fading Models: Statistical Fading Models, Narrowband Fading, Wideband Fading Models.
Unit 3:
Impact of Fading and ISI on Wireless Performance - 12 Hours
Capacity of Wireless Channels, Digital Modulation and its Performance, Adaptive Modulation: Adaptive Transmission System, Adaptive Techniques; Variable-Rate Variable-Power MQAM, Multiple Input/ Multiple Output (MIMO): Narrowband MIMO Model, Parallel Decomposition of the MIMO Channel, MIMO channel capacity, MIMO Diversity Gain: Beam forming, Diversity/Multiplexing Tradeoffs, Space-Time Modulation, Frequency-Selective MIMO Channels, Smart Antennas.
Unit 4:
Multicarrier Systems - 10 Hours
Data Transmission using Multiple Carriers, Multicarrier Modulation with Overlapping Subchannels, OFDM, OFDMA, Single- carrier FDMA, Challenges in Multicarrier Systems, Multiuser Channels: The Uplink and Downlink, Multiple Access, Random Access, Downlink (Broadcast) Channel Capacity, Uplink (Multiple Access) Channel Capacity, Uplink/Downlink Duality.
Unit 5:
Security - 10 Hours
Attacks on Wireless Network, Attacks on Wireless Clients, WEP-Wired Equivalent Privacy Protocol Security, WiFi Security: WiFi Protected Access, WiFi Protected Access 2, WPA2 Wireless Enterprise Network, RADIUS, Handling Rogue Access Points, Theory of Defense for security wireless Networks.
1: “Wireless Communication”, Andrea Goldsmith, First Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2012
Refrence Books:
1: "Wireless Communication Networks and Systems", by Cory Beard and William Stallings,1st edition, pearson, 2015.
2: "Wireless Network Security: A Beginner’s Guide" by Tyler Wrightson, McGraw-Hill Education; edition, 2012.
Tools & Languages:
Wireshark, Claynet/packetracer
Desirable Knowledge : UE19CS253 – Computer Networks